Vexall ICT Services for the Retail and Healthcare Market Vexall Retail Pharmacy


Vexall (Pty) Ltd was established in the early part of 2019 after its founding members identified fundamental failures in the way so many service providers operated in the industry.

On the back of these failures an opportunity presented itself to establish a business that would be different which in turn lead to three uncompromising principles being created as the foundation of the business.

1. Always put the client first

A deep understanding of the complexities associated with running a retail business allows Vexall to appreciate what it takes to offer optimal service delivery standards.

2. Take care of the most important asset in the business, its people

Create an environment that enables employees to contribute to the common goals of the business and in doing so also share in the successes of the business.

3. Collaborate for the greater good

Through strategic partnerships with different technology partners, enable the opportunity for collaboration to the benefit of the client.

What we want to be

To be the leading ICT partner in the retail industry, providing comprehensive solutions and services that empower our clients to elevate their customer experience.   
Why we exist

Deliver a service offering grounded in a value-driven approach that guarantees superior quality and cultivates sustainable relationships with our clients.


The Vexall value system forms the cornerstone of the business and is enshrined into the company culture. The six core values, represented by the hexagon symbol in the company logo, are subdivided into three ethical values and three operational values that consist of the following:

ict solutions provider


Without compromise, always remain honest, open and transparent and do what we said we would do.
ict solutions and services


Without compromise, be agile, yet calculated in everything we do.
future technology pharmacy


Without compromise, be loyal in all engagements and seek to develop long term sustainable relationships.
health systems technology


Without compromise, don’t over complicate, keep it simple and efficient
health informations systems south africa


Without compromise, be dependable by being consistent without fear or favour.
pharmacy software south africa


Without compromise, execute with speed and accuracy.
Ict service provider
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Vexall is a company registered in South Africa.
Website development by PrimeLogic.

Copyright Vexall 2019-2025. All rights reserved. V1.8.2

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